We don’t just bring you a program, we bring you an experience!

Encouragement Consulting Services was created to “add value” and help organizations like yours to “keep its promises.”

We are looking for leaders who understand what it means to truly invest in their employees and as such bring about transformative change individually and collectively.

For more than 25 years, we have conducted thousands of high quality and fully engaging programs across the country that truly impact people at a deeper level.

We do not offer cookie cutter programs. We listen to our clients and tailor our programs to truly meet their needs. 

Let John Leonard Harris help you to explore better ways to engage and communicate with your employees using the Social Style model, which deals with “observable behaviors, ” not perceptions and judgments


Call us about our signature diversity programs, “FINDING COMMON GROUND” and “BEING AN INCLUSIVE LEADER.”

We offer programs from 60 minutes to a full day, as well as company retreats and train the trainer.

What program participants say about us and what we do.


“Great job! I’m glad it was more of a discussion than a workshop. The program exceeded my expectations and that the workshop addressed issues of diversity which are more than race, gender and religion. It challenged notions of what was and wasn’t diversity.”

“Great presenter and presentation! Bring him back again! John Harris is an excellent speaker who strives to reach out to the audience with humor, thought-provoking information and a desire for clear understanding on delicate issues. He was very good at getting the audience to open up and speak.”

“The best workshop ever! What a great presenter. I’m guessing Mr. Harris could give a workshop on paperclips and keep our attention! Great speaker and very informational.  Let’s have him back again!”

“Excellent! The most involvement I’ve seen in a workshop in a long time.  Great facilitator-good choice! The workshop left me with a sense of rejuvenation, optimism and energized me to enjoy and do an even better job.”

Areas of specialization include:

Culture and Diversity Education

Personal Growth and Leadership Development

Communication and Learning Strategies

Organizational Effectiveness

Corporate Culture and Community Cohesion

Excellence in Customer Service

Presentation and Public Skills Training

Management Coaching

Job Search Strategies and Employment Coaching


“Finding Common Ground”

“Being (Becoming) an Inclusive Leader”

“Understanding and Using Social Style to Enhance Your Communication”

“More Than a Job: Finding the Worth in Your Work”

“Promoting Positivity in the Workplace”

“Conflict: Bring It On!”

“Enhancing Situational Awareness”

“Creating an Intentional Community”

“Be Careful Before You Burnout”

“How to Have Difficult Conversations”

“When Diversity Is Your Problem!”

“Achieving Mission Impossible”

Abstracts for all programs are available upon request

Check out Practical Wisdom!

Practical Wisdom is a compilation of the quotes that have impacted John Leonard Harris’ life. Each bit of practical wisdom has a lesson that Mr. Harris has learned and he desires that you might be impacted by them as well. Each quote provides the reader with the opportunity to REFLECT, REACT and RESPOND. The hope is that each reader will find “helpful nuggets” that will transform their life.

Comming Soon



John Leonard Harris, M.Ed.
Founder and Principal Consultant
P. O. Box 84734
Lincoln, NE 68501